Tina Eliassi-Rad
The phonetic pronunciation of my lastname is: eh-LEE-ah-SEE RAH-d.
Current Employment
Core Faculty at
External Faculty at
Affiliated Faculty at
Research Interests
- Data Mining
- Machine Learning
- Network Science
- Ethics of Artificial Intelligence
Current Research Programs
- Trustworthy Network Science: As the use of machine learning (ML) algorithms in network science grows, so do the issues of explainability, transparency, fairness, robustness, etc. We address issues of trustworthy ML in network science.
- Just Machine Learning: ML systems are not islands. They are part of broader complex systems. To understand and mitigate the risks and harms of using ML, we remove our optimization blinders and study the broader complex systems in which ML systems operate.
Recently Co-organized Events
- Understanding Offline Political Systems by Mining Online Political Data (with David Lazer and Oren Tsur)
- Mining Data from Mobile Devices: A Survey of Smart Sensing and Analytics (with Spiros Papadimitriou)
Discovering Roles and Anomalies in Graphs: Theory and Applications (with Christos Faloutsos)
- [ECML PKDD 2013] Slides
Part 1
Part 2 (includes guided role discovery and role discovery over time )
- [SIAM SDM 2012] Slides
Part 1
Part 2
Other Information
My Husband: Branden Fitelson
Email: tina at eliassi dot org